July 1st


Zephyr and her unevolved form Cluffy have won the monthly monster poll.

But who cares because the buggy CAMPING UPDATE IS OUT.


Monsters got their calories bar in yellow, and obedience bar in red. Every day monsters lose calories.
The less calories a monster has the hungrier it is. Hungrier monsters lose obedience at the end of a day.
FIREPITS are little points near most major roads and some POI’s. Walk up to a firepit and interact with it [R] to start camping. Camping heals your monsters for 50hp. On the camp screen, you may first open your inventory > I < and then use numbers and arrow keys to target monsters which you can feed food. Then start camping with [C]. Your monsters then take turns seeing how much obedience they have left. The lower the obedience, the higher chance there is of the scout being mounted and possible bred. Breeding works like it does in battle, the scout might use up her BP (contraceptive Barrier Points) to avoid an impregnation, and her bonus fertility increases the likelihood of getting knocked up. The monster that mounts the scout regain some Obedience, since it likes her more now.

ADDED WARP SPEED: Previously a dev only ability I will be leaving it in the game for now. Hold [z] and you will send the clock ticking at warp speed into the next day.

ALTER: The LOSS LOOP of monsters getting hungry, and then forcibly breeding the scout in the camp isn’t well balanced yet. For one you start with a load of food which trivializes the problem for some time. Expect a lot of these numbers to be tweaked over time, feedback appreciated.
ALTER: Time now passes at half the speed it did. Originally every second caused one TICK of a days clock which lasts for 240 ticks (so seconds). I doubled this a while ago in order to speed up the passage of time., Now that the player can enter a warp speed with [z] and that time warps to the next day when resting at camp, the passage of time has been reverted to its original state of 1 day = 240 seconds.

ALTER: Changed the Rosedew Meadow ambient track to one that doesn’t include insect buzzing at request.
FIXED: The tires on the ends of the road for the plains map didn’t have a collider, allowing the player to walk out into the void.
FIXED: You can no longer flee a battle after losing a battle and cause the game to become confused.


ADDED: THUNDAMA (and unevolved Thundii)
ADDED: COWGIRL X_ANIM (Thundama uses it so far, this is why it took so long...)

ADDED: VEDAFLY (and unevolved Vifly)
Fixed: The front facing doggy animation is fixed. X animations were mildly bugged as every x anim player and process had to be rejiggered to accommodate more complex X-anims going forward where the monsters have parts of their sprite both overlapping the scout sprite, and behind it.
Alter: You can no longer stable the last monster you have in your party.
Alter: You can only access the STABLES from within a scout base, there is one scout base currently, you start beside it.
Alter: The game when testing for whether a monster will mount on the camp screen now simply rolls a d100, and if the result is compared to the monsters current obedience. If the roll is higher than obedience then the monster mounts the scout.
-=Increased size of move sprites, they look big now but whatever.


So... Like I said I got two weeks or more basically off, so get your complaints on this DEAD FUCKING GAME in soon please. I will be bug fixing like mad, and working on the new level-up system which will persist between runs and allow you to get mad bonuses. The next content which I want to start is on redoing the dark forest, expanding it (slightly I promise) and making it more mushroomy and webbed in preparation for the quests that will go there soon(tm).

I also have started spending money from the game on the game, purchasing a huge royalty free library of sounds from OVANI (it was a humble bundle), and will likely buy more of that shit, and other asset shit, as needed. I will be moving away from the harsh pixelated sound effects used.

Oh and lastly... Turtle


Eggomon_2024_July_4.zip 242 MB
Jul 05, 2024



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where to find new mons?

Vedabug is in the dark forest, Thundama is on the plains.

How to go dark forest??