Nov 2nd 2024 Update



From the beginning I said I wasn’t interested in making monsters have rare ‘shiny’ recolors, since recoloring shit is super easy and tacky. Then the feature got requested 50ish times, and I realized I could turn the whole process into a voting reward, and I super enjoyed seeing the recolored monsters bang, and I accepted that giving people what they want (in this case) is the key to success. So now we have SHINY EGGOMON. 

But the way SHINY will work in Eggomon is different from [Monster Catcher Game]. In Eggomon there is roughly a 5% chance a monster will be shiny when it is instantiated and a 1% chance that the monster will be SUPER SHINY. Monsters with a SHINY color also have a SUPER SHINY color, so every monster (with shiny) will get TWO NEW RECOLORS, WOW. Twice as cool as [Monster Catcher Game]!

10 monsters now have shiny AND super shiny forms, and rather than spoil the gallery I will leave it to you to discover which monsters have received this recoloring treatment. Going forward you will also determine the shiny recolors in shiny votes, one of which is occurring right now!

ADDED: GOOGALA, This slimy fat blob slides into the meadow tier 1 encounter!

ADDED: ALL SCOUT PORTRAITS. All the scouts have their own super special portrait, and even have some unique dialogue exclusive to them. Nothing too fancy for now though, but the personality of the scouts is starting to shine through.

POLISHED: The first quest now concludes with you getting a sweet injection of EXP. 

POLISHED: Added a Scouts Remaining counter to the loss screen

Fixed?: Eggs should no longer spam messages when hatching simultaneously?

Fixed?: FPS shouldn’t COMPLETELY bleedout, and bleedout should be significantly slowed. This is an ongoing problem as all UI elements (especially text boxes) need an overpass so they are not updating when they are unseen. This is something Godot does not handle well or explain up front, but its a consistent problem for people making RPG’s (which are very menu heavy). 

Groundwork~ You may see several new items in the inventory that you cannot find yet, as well as some items moved for reorganization purposes. 

Even WITH all this shit added, I have withheld even more assets because... The ANNIVERSARY is coming! On the 20th! And with it, a proper zone based update along with items, and a new monster, and a new overworld monster that will properly patrol... So stay tuned. Also the Roadmap for 2025 is coming, AAAAH!

For you plebians who don't pay me money there is currently a free shiny vote concerning Kihikihi (on Patreon):

A paid vote to determine what Roxy the upcoming rock scout will look like:

And the monthly monster vote to determine one of Roxy's 2 starter ROCK monsters!:

When will this stupid turtle get added? Maybe on the 20th? Stay tuned 

Files 291 MB
Nov 03, 2024


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